March 2024 Newsletter
Mar 12, 2024
March 2024 Newsletter
Our March 2024 Newsletter is here!
Our theme at Reata Horsemanship this month is FIND YOUR PURPOSE.
When you have a strong purpose in life, you can overcome any challenges and odds to create what you desire. That purpose must be felt deep inside you and backed by strong positive emotion.
At Reata Horsemanship, our purpose is to help you become the best version of yourself, including the best horseman or horsewoman you can be, so that you can help your horse and those you have relationships with to also be the best they can be!
- Problem Solving Clinic - March 16-17, 2024
**Just 1 spot still available***
- This is a specialized clinic for anyone looking to solve specific problems their horse is having, such as rearing, bucking, biting, bolting, buddy sour issues, spookiness, pushiness, trailer loading issues, etc.
- Does your horse have an issue you can't see to get over? This clinic is for you!
Contact Stacy at 480-888-5030 for details on the upcoming clinics, or to book a private lesson!
Membership Pricing
- We are offering an incredible Lifetime Membership Offer that ends St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2024!
- Only $247!
- After March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day), the Lifetime Membership will still be available, but for $997. Save $700 by getting your Lifetime Membership now and never have to pay a membership fee again!
Member Highlight
This month, we’ve chosen Deb Debolt, who is from: Leduc County, Alberta, Canada. This is a great read to find out more about someone with a deep passion for horses, just like you!
Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m originally from Edmonton, Alberta. I was raised in the city, but always wanted a horse. When my youngest daughter was 11, I bought her a horse. It changed our lives completely. I then bought myself a horse, sold the house in the city, and bought an acreage so the horses could live at home. I’m now retired from an airline and am fortunate to spend my winters in Arizona, where I met Luke. My passion is horses of course. I love to trail ride at home and in Arizona, but I’m also loving becoming a better rider and creating a better connection with my horse.
My other passion is my children and grandchildren…Read More
March Theme - Find Your Purpose
Book Club: Start With Why by Simon Sinek
This month, our membership Book Club is discussing a book about purpose called Start With Why by Simon Sinek. You’re going to love this book! Make sure to read it as you search for your purpose or seek to have a stronger purpose.
The Book Club is one of the benefits of being a subscribing member to Reata Horsemanship. Want to participate in our Live Meetup to discuss the monthly book?
If you want to be a part of the monthly Virtual Meetup to discuss this book, make sure to JOIN our membership! You can get the Lifetime Membership for just $247, or choose the monthly option.
Monthly Training Tip - Be as soft as possible, but as firm as necessary.
Any time you are with your horse, whether on the ground or in the saddle, you are responsible for his behavior. The more you understand how to be your horse’s leader, the more he will trust you under any circumstance. Leadership for your horse entails being empathetic to his feelings while at the same time addressing behavior that’s unwanted and unsafe for you or him. That entails being a good horseman or horsewoman.
Good horsemanship is only possible with good feel and timing. Good feel and timing comes from knowledge and experience. So, be patient. Keep working at it. If you do, you will begin to unlock the secrets of horsemanship that the greats like Tom and Bill Dorrance, Ray Hunt, and Buck Brannaman had, or have, that make them legends.
To take a horse that is frightened and reactive, or dull and lazy, and to help him learn to be comfortable with the human and to not do things that would endanger himself or the human, is no small feat. But, it is possible to understand your horse and to become the leader he needs.
One concept to help you in your journey of horsemanship is Be As Soft as Possible, But as Firm as Necessary. What does this mean, really? It means that when you ask your horse to do something, you should ask softly, or lightly first…Read More
Membership Benefits
Remember that it is by surrounding yourself with people who share your vision to educate, inspire, and support you, and by creating good and effective habits, that you will reach your dreams in life. Consider joining our Lifetime Reata Horsemanship Membership for just $247! Benefits are countless, but here are a few...
- Access to all FB lives from the Reata Horsemanship Family private Facebook group
- Access to all Reata Horsemanship Courses, including 2-3 new ones coming this year!
- Access to all Reata Horsemanship Training Videos, including Live Training, Problem Solving, Trailer Loading, and much more!
- Access to our Private Community
- Monthly Book Club Virtual Meetup
- Weekly Q&A with Luke Brown - get personalized feedback on your questions
- Private Podcast - all Meetup recordings and weekly Q&A’s will be available to our members
- PDF downloads (from New Courses and Training Videos)
- PDF downloads (from previous PDF content)
- Challenges: We'll be doing challenges in horsemanship and other good habits creation this year!
- 10-20% off Clinics, Lessons, and Merchandise
Click Below to join our Lifetime Membership for just $247 today! Never worry about paying for a membership again! This offer expires midnight of March 17, 2024.
Click to Join LIfetime Membership
We are excited for an incredible year of 2024! No matter where you are at in life and horsemanship, join us as we focus on creating good habits that will serve you, your horse, and all those you come in contact with! Together, we can make a safer, more enjoyable world to live in!
Before You Go!
1. Feel free to share this email or post with a friend to spread the message of good horsemanship and good life habits!
2. If you haven't already, please JOIN our private Facebook Group called Reata Horsemanship Family. It's FREE! You can connect with others seeking a better and safer partnership with their horse as well, and I offer a Live Q&A Wednesday there, where I answer your questions about horsemanship! Please spread the word about this group to your friends as well!
3. Join our Reata Horsemanship Lifetime Membership! See above in the letter to learn the benefits. We are offering the lifetime membership for only $247!
If you’re reading this after March 17, 2024, no worries! We still offer a monthly, yearly, and lifetime membership. Just click the link below to find your options!
Find Out About the Reata Horsemanship Membership
Great to have you here, and looking forward to an amazing 2024!